New Support Feature

Starting from version 6.8.58, you can configure Group-Office to automatically close inactive tickets.

Joachim van de Haterd Joachim van de HaterdJuly 03, 2024
New Support Feature

Starting from version 6.8.58, you can configure Group-Office to automatically close inactive tickets.

Ticket lists can get messy at times. Either the support crew is too busy to clean up old tickets or after a reply, the ticket is forgotten by the requester.

In the old Tickets module, you could close a ticket after a certain inactivity. This feature has been ported to the support module.

Configuration options

Please note that an inactive ticket is defined as a ticket with the status 'In progress' that was last answered by a ticket agent and has not had any activity for a certain amount of days.

  • Expiry in days: The number of days that a ticket is inactive before automatically closing it.
  • Expiry feedback: Either none, a private comment readable by ticket agents only or public. In the latter case, an email is sent to the requester.
  • Expiry message template: This will enable the administrator to set a custom expiry message.
  • Excluded categories: Do not automatically close tickets that have one of these categories added.
  • Excluded lists: Do not automatically close tickets that are part of excluded support lists.

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