Better E-mail troubleshooting

We added a new configuration option that enables the administrator to troubleshoot email more easily.

Joachim van de Haterd Joachim van de HaterdFebruary 27, 2024

We added a new configuration option that enables the administrator to troubleshoot email more easily.

Since moving to Group-Office 6.8, we switched to PHPMailer as our underlying mail package due to fewer dependencies. This allows us to add use their debugger. All we needed to do, is to make it configurable by the administrator.

In your configuration file, normally /etc/groupoffice/config.php, you can add the following option: $config['mailerDebugLevel'] = 3; If debugging mode is enabled, any debug data from the mailer will be written in the log/debug.log file in your Group-Office data directory.

There are five different values (shamelessly copied and pasted from the PHPMailer documentation):

0: No output. This is the default setting
1: Client messages
2: Client and server messages
3: As [2] plus connection status
4: Noisy, low-level data output, rarely needed

The new configuration option is available from version 6.8.36 and up. You can read more on configuration options in our documentation.

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