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Moving or backup an installation

From Group-Office Groupware and CRM Documentation
Revision as of 11:48, 6 December 2009 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

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To move Group-Office to another location move all files and the database into the new folder.

Note: All the directories here are examples. They are probably different in your case. Packing up files at the old server

Create an archive of the Group-Office files:

$ tar czf groupoffice-scripts.tar.gz /var/www/groupoffice

Now determine where user files are stored:

$ cat config.php | grep file_storage_path

Now create archives of these paths (It might be that the local path is inside the Group-Office scripts directory. In that case you can skip the creation of the local archive):

$ tar czf groupoffice-files.tar.gz /home/groupoffice

This command outputs the database parameters:

$ cat config.php | grep db


Now create a dump of the database:

$ mysqldump --default-character-set=utf8 groupoffice -u groupoffice -p > groupoffice-20070813.sql

You might want to tar this file up to save bandwidth:

$ tar czf groupoffice-database.tar.gz groupoffice-20070813.sql

Now we packed up all nessecary files in archives:

  1. groupoffice-scripts.tar.gz
  2. groupoffice-files.tar.gz
  3. groupoffice-database.tar.gz

Installing the old files on the new server

Unpack the scripts, files and local archive in the new location:

$ cd /var/www/groupoffice
$ tar zxf groupoffice-scripts.tar.gz

$ cd /home/groupoffice
$ tar zxf groupoffice-files.tar.gz

$ cd /var/www/go-local
$ tar zxf groupoffice-local.tar.gz

Create a new database for Group-Office:

$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> CREATE DATABASE groupoffice;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON groupoffice.* TO 'groupoffice'@'localhost'
mysql> exit

Add your old database structure and data to the new database:

mysql -u root -p groupoffice < dumpfile.sql

Now you need to run and follow instructions to complete the install.

Good luck!