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Exporting to PDF or CSV
Group-Office has an easy interface to create exports to CSV or PDF. We'll look at the addressbook module for an example:
It starts with saving the SQL query in the session. We do this in modules/addressbook/classes/ where we search for contacts:
In the function search_contacts we build an SQL query like:
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ab_contacts";
We save this query like this:
$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['export_queries']['search_contacts']=array( 'query'=>$sql, //the SQL query 'method'=>'format_contact_record', //a public static method that will format each record. 'class'=>'addressbook',//The class to use for the method 'require'=>__FILE__); //The file to include so the class is available
You can also set a row body column that will be displayed after each row with a column spanning the whole table: 'pdf_row_body_column'=>'preview_text'
And you may define some extra columns that are not in your grid: 'extra_columns'=>array(array('header'=>'Preview', 'column'=>'preview_text')),
The method to format a record looks like this:
public static function format_contact_record(&$record, $cf=false) { $record['name'] = String::format_name($record['last_name'], $record['first_name'], $record['middle_name']); $record['ctime']=Date::get_timestamp($record['ctime']); $record['mtime']=Date::get_timestamp($record['mtime']); if(!isset($GLOBALS['now'])) $GLOBALS['now']=time(); $record['age']=''; if($record['birthday']!='0000-00-00'){ $btime = strtotime($record['birthday']); $age = date('Y')-date('Y', $btime); $month = date('n'); $bmonth = date('n', $btime); if($month<$bmonth || ($month==$bmonth && date('j')<date('j', $btime))) { $age--; } $record['age']=$age; } $record['birthday'] = Date::format($record['birthday'], false); if($cf) $cf->format_record($record, 2, true); }
Now the server knows how to export a query called "search_contacts". Now all we need to do is add a button to execute the export query in modules/addressboo/MainPanel.js:
{ iconCls: 'btn-export', text: GO.lang.cmdExport, cls: 'x-btn-text-icon', handler:function(){ var activetab = this.tabPanel.getActiveTab(); var config = {}; switch( { case 'ab-contacts-grid': config.query='search_contacts'; config.colModel = this.contactsGrid.getColumnModel(); break; case 'ab-company-grid': config.query='search_companies'; config.colModel = this.companiesGrid.getColumnModel(); break; } config.title = activetab.title; var query = this.searchPanel.queryField.getValue(); if(!GO.util.empty(query)) { config.subtitle= GO.lang.searchQuery+': '+query; }else { config.subtile=''; } if(!this.exportDialog) { this.exportDialog = new GO.ExportQueryDialog({ query:config.query }); }; }, scope: this }
The show function of the export dialog takes the following config properties:
title, subtitle and colModel. Where colModel is a column model of a standard gridpanel.
Now you're done and you can export your grid data!
More control
You can create custom exports per installation as described here: Custom exports.
But you can also create a custom export class in your module if you need some more control:
this.exportDialog = new GO.ExportQueryDialog({ query:'filesearch', loadParams:{ export_directory:'modules/filesearch/exporters/', filesearch_params:Ext.encode( }, customTypes:[{ boxLabel : GO.filesearch.lang.fulltextPDF, name : 'type', inputValue : 'fulltext_export_query' }] });
Here the class modules/filesearch/exporters/ will be used for the export. This should be an extended class like described in Custom exports