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API calls
From Group-Office Groupware and CRM Documentation
Logging in
Here's some sample code on how to login to Group-Office with the CURL based HTTP client and get notes from the demo.
<?php //Adjust this path to suit your needs require('/usr/share/groupoffice/GO.php'); //not required but can be used to get CLI input params $params = GO_Base_Util_Cli::parseArgs(); $host = ''; //Login $httpClient = new GO_Base_Util_HttpClient(); $success = $httpClient->groupofficeLogin($host, 'demo','demo'); if(!$success) throw new Exception("Could not login to Group-Office"); //Get notes $response = $httpClient->request($host,array( 'r'=>'notes/note/store', 'start'=>0, 'limit'=>10 )); $result = json_decode($response); //print names foreach($result->results as $record){ echo $record->name."<br>\n"; }